Monday 4 June 2012

5 Most Lame Conspiracy Theories in History

5 Most Lame Conspiracy Theories in History

AIDs Virus is Man Made

Dr. Strecker was first American scientist to put forward this theory; he claimed that AIDS virus is man-made, created by National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization in their laboratories at Ft. Dietrick, Maryland in USA during 1970-74; Dr William Cooper claimed that this whole plan was supervised by CIA.
Lizard people run the world
This theory was put forward by BBC reporter David icke ; according to him world is controlled by blood-drinking, shape shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system.
David Icke says that many influential politicians like George Bush, Elizabeth II and many British royals belong to this group; David claims Lady Diana disclosed this fact to her close friends long time ago.
Moon landing was faked by NASA
Officially first Moon landing took place on July 20, 1969, when two astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz aldrin landed on Moon; but there are some experts who believe that this moon landing exercise was total drama; first argument they give is that US flag hoisted on moon by astronauts was fluttering which is not possible as everyone knows that there is no atmosphere on moon; they also say that shadows of the astronauts were different although they were standing close to each other.
Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories
John F Kennedy President was assassinated on 22 November,1963;conspiracy theorists believe that KGB organized the assassination of Kennedy to take revenge of humiliation of Cuban missile crisis; there is another theory which suggests that Kennedy was killed by Israelis who were really angry over his smpatheies with arabs and because he was not in favour of Isralei secret nuclear program.
Some analysts like Jim Marrs and Craig Roberts believe that he was murdered by bankers of Federal Reserve who were feeling threatened by Executive Order 11,110 issued by John F Kennedy; this executive order enabled the Treasury to print silver certificates, bypassing the Federal Reserve System.
Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen
Writers like Robert Stinnett and former United States Navy Rear Admiral Robert A. Theobald, have argued that various parties high in the U.S. and British governments knew of the attack in advance and may even have let it happen or encouraged it in order to force America into World war II; according to a report US Government got as much 28 warning about possible Japanese attack but Government did nothing to save Americans from pearl harbor attack.


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